
Showing posts from October, 2015

Liferay Migration From 6.1 EE To 6.2 EE

Introduction When using a portal platform/app server such as Liferay, major version upgrades are a periodic fact of life. Having a set of standard steps to follow in migrating from one version to another is essential in easing the process and making it repeatable across environments–never do an upgrade in a production environment first, and never do an upgrade without sufficient backups of your current Liferay install folder, database, and document library. This post will cover repeatable steps to upgrading a Liferay EE installation from 6.1 to 6.2. For this example, you will need a valid Liferay customer account with access to the Customer Portal to download Liferay and related artifacts. In this example, we have an existing installation with Liferay 6.1 EE GA3 and we are migrating to Liferay 6.2 EE SP4 Database This example assumes MySQL is the Liferay target database. Other databases would have a similar process. 1. First, take the backup of existing database by ex