
Showing posts from November, 2015

Don't Change password for first time login

In Liferay, first time user will prompted to change password screen, where user can change password. Some times, we may not require user to change password, when we import users manually from outside. In this case, user would have already changed password, so we don't need to redirect user again. There are different ways to do that. Let's check following how we can do that. 1. While creating user through admin interface, uncheck the checkbox 'Password Reset Required' 2. Uncheck 'Change Password' checkbox in Default Password Policy. This can be done through control panel, Password policies > Default Password Policy.  3. Also you can override Lifeay's core classes and set passwordReset  property of User bean to false .

Hide and disable access to Liferay's 6.1 control panel.

It is often needed to hide control panel dockbar for simple users. This article I'll describe different ways to achieve this. First we need to change theme little in order to hide dockbar, it can be done in following way. Create new theme if you don't have theme ready. In portal_normal.vm file, change following lines of code #if ($is_signed_in) #dockbar() #end in to following. #if (($is_signed_in) && $permissionChecker.isCompanyAdmin($company_id))  #dockbar() #end It will remove dockbar for all non admin users. But user still can be able to access control panel by typing the following url  http://localhost:8080/group/control_panel. To avoid this, we can write costume hook to restrict user to doing so. Let's check how this can be done: In liferay-hook.xml add following lines of code. <portal-properties></portal-properties> Add file to hook's src folder and add following line to i

Add SEARCH BAR in theme in LIFERAY

Following steps are to add search in theme: 1. Open file in Liferay SDK location [LIFRAY_SDK]/themes/{theme-ame}/docroot/_diffs/templates/portal_normal.vm 2. Add $ at your desired location. 3. Build and deploy the theme. 4. A search text box will appear where the code was placed Steps to customize the search: In case you need to customize the search functionality to search only specific content types, follow the steps below. 1.  Open file in Liferay SDK location [LIFERAY_HOME]/tomcat-6.0.26/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ 2. Add following lines: com.liferay.portlet.blogs.util.BlogsOpenSearchImpl=true com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.util.BookmarksOpenSearchImpl=true com.liferay.portlet.calendar.util.CalendarOpenSearchImpl=true com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.util.DLOpenSearchImpl=true com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.util.IGOpenSearchImpl=true com.liferay

Liferay Resources for Developers - Liferay Portal 6.1 - Development Guide

The following resources are useful references for developers who working with the Liferay Platform Liferay specific resources: What is a portal? - Platform Javadocs - Reference documentation for Liferay's XML files - Reference documentation for Liferay's taglibs - Liferay 6.1 resources: Development resources version: Related specifications and standards: Java 5 Javadocs: JavaEE 5 Javadocs: JavaEE Overview: Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR