Add a “Read More” Link using jQuery

The jQuery Expander Plugin is a simple little jQuery plugin to hide/collapse a portion of an element's text and add a "read more" link so that the text can be viewed by the user if he or she wishes

Here’s a simple way to use this plug-in your HTML

Declare div with class "readmore" or apply class "readmore" to any HTML element

 <div class="readmore">
     The Div Text Comes Here  

And add the following jquery code to head section of your HTML page

<title>Add Read More Link</title>  
    <script src="" type="text/javascript">
    <script src="" type="text/javascript">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
                slicePoint: 200,
                expandText: 'Click Here to Read More',
                userCollapseText: 'Hide Text'

As you can see, we have used the ‘jQuery’ file and the ‘Expander’ plugin in the <head> of your document. of your document.

Note: In a production application, download the expander code on your server and reference it from there.

Here is the jquery Expander Plugin Reference

Working example is Here


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