Youtube z-index IE issue fix
If you have a YouTube video embedded within your web page that ignores the z-index of fixed or absolutely positioned DIV elements then here is both the html and the JavaScript (jquery) fix.
add ?wmode=transparent to the embedded link like this:
Or, add the following Jquery javascript youtube iframe z-index fix:
var url = $(this).attr("src");
var char = "?";
if(url.indexOf("?") != -1){
var char = "&";
Bingo, your youtube video will now acknowledge it's z-index and will appear below your other div elements that have a higher z-index.
Instead of embedding the youtube iframe like this
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" wmode="Opaque">add ?wmode=transparent to the embedded link like this:
Add wmode to fix youtube iframe zindex
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" wmode="Opaque">Or, add the following Jquery javascript youtube iframe z-index fix:
Add wmode to fix youtube iframe zindex
var url = $(this).attr("src");
var char = "?";
if(url.indexOf("?") != -1){
var char = "&";
Bingo, your youtube video will now acknowledge it's z-index and will appear below your other div elements that have a higher z-index.
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